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AG 1C Medium

Quantity: 1


AG 1C Medium

Quantity: 1


AG 1C Medium

Quantity: 1




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Frequently asked questions

How do I register an event for Devent?

You can apply for an event in Devent by using the link below. Official events require that you have first registered the event with NKK, and have been assigned an eventId.

How to change an existing registration?

Send a message to Devent and state what you want to change.

How to contact Devent?

Please see contact details at the bottom of the web page. Please describe your request as detailed as possible to ensure efficient handling and quick response. Use dogname as named in Devent.

How to change dog-size settings?

From the menu in the upper right corner, select "Hunder" and select the dog you want to change dog-size setting. Select new size-setting and finaly "Lagre" to save new size-setting.

Where can I find my registrations?

From the menu in the top right corner, select "Påmeldinger". Entries and orders are displayed there.

Where can I find my results?

From the menu in the top right corner, select "Resultater".

How to change dog level?

From "Min side", select "Hunder" and choose dog. Select preferred "AG nivå" (=agility level), "Hopp nivå" (jump level), and "Lagre" to save changes. If you have made a registration for an upcoming event, please send a message to Devent in addition. Please provide information about the event(s), the name of the dog (as written in Devent), and the handler's name.

How to get refund due to illness?

It is the organizer who decides whether a sick dog and/or handler can be refunded. The organizer must decide when the event is set up. 1) Refund due to sick dog (requires veterinary certificate): Yes/No 2) Refund due to sick handler (requires medical certificate): Yes/No The conditions that apply to an event are shown on the event page. If the event supports your case of illness and you want a refund, you must send the necessary documentation to Devent no later than 4 days after the event. Claims that are not submitted within 4 days of the event will be rejected.

How to add a dog?

From the menu in the upper right corner, select "Hunder" and hit "+" to add more dogs. All required fields need to be filled in before you hit "Lagre" to save dog info.

How to create a user account?

Click on "Login" icon in upper right corner, choose prefered method for login and follow the instructions. When useraccount is created, add your dogs and additional handlers (if any).

Where to find the Devent-app?

There is no separate Devent-app. If you want to you can install the web page on your home screen so that it appears as an "App". There are different methods for different phones. We have linked a Norwegian article describing "how to do" on Android, iPhone, and Windows phones. By some "googling," you should be able to find a similar article in your native language.

Where to find organizers usermanual?

You can find a link to the organizer's usermanual below.

How to have discount for 3rd dog?

Please have a look at the article about discount for 3rd dog.

How to add additional handler?

From the menu in the upper right corner, select "Utøver" and then "+". Fill in the name and date of birth, and then hit "Lagre" to save the new handler.

If the event allows the sale of places (shown on the convention page) and the event is fully booked on the day in question, you can resell a place. In that case, send a message to Devent and indicate which runs are being sold, the name of the buyer, and the buyer's dog (as it is registered in Devent).

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